About Me

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I don't have very many dreams or goals that most people have, some that are definitely unreachable, but worth striving for. Every now and then I write a story in my head or pen a poem down. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my writing.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Slightly oval, long and lean shaped
Small, inviting, smoothly lined lips
Slender, rosy cheeks
Alluring Greenish blue eyes
Small sized nose with a slight bump
Feminine chin
Looking strikingly back at me
Emotions begin to surface
Hand pressed against the glass
Sadness appear in the eyes
Her laughter lines are drawn into a frown
Tracing my fingers along her cheek, down to her chin
Anger hits instantly
Something inside bursts
Tears begin to flow
Rage and shame pour out of her eyes
The girl disappears
Nothing left but a wall
Bleeding knuckles with shattered glass
I hate my reflection
Covered in pain
Written upon my face, shown for all to see
It's not me

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