If she asks me why I love her, I’d have to say;
It’s because of the way she looks at me questionly,
Wondering if I’d always be there by her side, day by day
It’s because of how she holds me and the way she kisses me and smiles in the middle of it,
Wondering how much longer she has, trying to hold on as tight as she can
It’s because of what she says to me and how she says it,
It’s mainly because she shows me how she never wants to let go.
Hold on tighter because I never want you to let go, not of us, not of my hand
The look in her eyes every time we have to be apart leaves me breathless,
Because I never want to hurt her and because it kills me inside each time as she drives away
I hate being apart, I hate feeling that more than half of me has left with her,
It’s because of how free she knows she can be with me because I hope she knows I’ll never leave,
No matter what she does, there isn’t enough to make me stop loving her; I’d only grip on harder
I wish I can promise that I’ll never leave her, because some day one of us will have to part, but
I hope that day doesn’t come for a very, very long time because I can’t bear to lose her yet
I live because of her, without her I don't want to keep going because it feels wrong
It’s because of that smile she gives me, that tears my heart apart and put it back together again,
How I’d love to keep that smile on her face and to erase all the pain she’s been put through
I wish I could hold her hand through everything and not have to let go,
I wait for the day until I never have to let her go, until I get to hold her in my arms as she slept
It’s especially because of the way she laughs at me and jokes around,
Because without that, I wouldn’t know just how much she loves me
And there isn’t a day where I don’t wonder if that’ll ever stop, I need her to keep going
The day she stops laughing, the day she stops joking around,
The day she stops giving me her half-crooked smile along with the look in her eyes...
Is the day I die, but not the day my love for her dies because that day is a day that will never come.
It’s because I love her that makes me stay,
It’s because she loves me more that makes me never want to go away
Everything she does, everything she says, stays with me no matter what,
Because she is mine, and I am hers’
They consist of poems written by me. The mood often varies and is mainly about love in general or to a specified point. They are all intense and emotion filled, and at most.. extremely sad but it is how I feel. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my poems.
About Me

- Krissy Renee Bosworth
- I don't have very many dreams or goals that most people have, some that are definitely unreachable, but worth striving for. Every now and then I write a story in my head or pen a poem down. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my writing.
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