Have you ever wondered;
Just how you're supposed to die?
Head on collision
Drunk or high
Your fault or mine
Accidental or suicide
Maybe by a ravenous murderer
Tied up and ripped apart
Bloodied from lust
Or by plain stupidity
Playing dares that went too far
Driving fast cars
Deer in the headlights
Maybe you just didn't care
Have you ever wondered;
Just what song they'll play?
Will they cry
Or laugh while reminiscing
Turn heads in shame
Will you be lain as a porcelain doll-
For all to see
Your hair all straight and pretty
Wearing your best clothes
Hoping people will cry
Remember you at your best
Will your memories-
Carry on
Forever in their hearts
Have you ever wondered;
Just what happens when you die?
Will you dance on moon beams
Fly amongst shooting stars
Dancing with fallen leaves
Will you stand beside them
Try to hold onto them
Telling them it's alright
Will they feel you near
Would you be happy
Find the light
Know you lived-
To the fullest
Please, remember me.
They consist of poems written by me. The mood often varies and is mainly about love in general or to a specified point. They are all intense and emotion filled, and at most.. extremely sad but it is how I feel. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my poems.
About Me

- Krissy Renee Bosworth
- I don't have very many dreams or goals that most people have, some that are definitely unreachable, but worth striving for. Every now and then I write a story in my head or pen a poem down. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my writing.
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