Of being nothing
Lost without you
Afraid of being meant nothing
Our relationship
Is something I'll never forget-
You are the one I wish I still have
The happiest I've ever been
Was with you
Now that it's gone (you're gone)
I don't know what to do
I'm afraid I'm lost
That I've lost you
Of our short time,
I'm afraid I meant nothing
When to me,
You meant the whole world
I was just something you strung along,
Because you were afraid-
Of being alone.
You explored your options,
I locked mine.
I fell in love-
You did not (at least not completely)
And so, these words fall on deaf ears (not mine)
I'll press my ear to the wall,
Hoping you will say that you were wrong.
Afraid that it'll never come.
You will find your way
But I will stay lost.
You lingered while it was dead to you,
Without realizing that it will leave me holding on.
I'm heart broken over you,
You're heart broken over someone else
What about me? What about us?
Wishing I could scream,
Why do you care so much?!
What about me? What about us?
Was I nothing?
I'm afraid,
I have lost you, lost us.
Afraid that I wasted my heart on you,
But I'd never regret it (I'd do it again)
I love you
Even when knowing your statuses are about her-
Crushing my heart, knowing it's not me you're torn over.
I ran away,
You didn't care.
You're upset because she's not noticing you, that she doesn't care-
I'm right in front of your face!
But what about me? What about us?
Am I really that invisible now?
I was once the girl you noticed, the girl you wanted
Now I'm nothing.
I'm right there, pouring my heart out to you
But you couldn't care less now-
Not like you used to,
You say you changed (you moved on before we were over)
Throwing away us may have been the worst thing you've ever done.
You had someone who loved you, who would do anything for you
But what was I to you (what am I?)
I want to be yours
I miss you but I don't think you miss me-
Not really
She's got your heart now,
Even though she's not even there.
I'm not enough, no matter how much I tried.
I was the giver, you were the taker.
I gave you my all, you took my heart
What was I?
Am I nothing now?
Do I even exist to you-
Not just as a friend or a best friend..
But as a girlfriend (do I exist?)
Am I invisible?
What do I need to do, to get you to wake up?
I've done things I'd never have imagined doing
I did them for you.
So tell me, am I nothing?
They consist of poems written by me. The mood often varies and is mainly about love in general or to a specified point. They are all intense and emotion filled, and at most.. extremely sad but it is how I feel. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my poems.
About Me

- Krissy Renee Bosworth
- I don't have very many dreams or goals that most people have, some that are definitely unreachable, but worth striving for. Every now and then I write a story in my head or pen a poem down. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my writing.
OMG thats sad, you something, ur not nothing if Kate doesn't think that, then shes blind...I'll always be here if u need someone to talk to...