On the day you were born
Butterflies all around
Along with your kicks and rolls;
Mama hugged her round belly
Terrified but absolutely excited-
It wouldn't be long until we met
Daddy all gowned up and ready;
With his nerves shot-
But he held on strong for Mama
We walked into the room;
That you would soon be here
Mama cried on table-
While Daddy held on and soothed
The doctors draped up;
And soon had mama rocking
Within seconds...
Here you were!
The biggest and sweetest cry;
That we ever heard
Daddy and Mama instantly cried
They whisked you away-
To check you out
Perfect; you were,
They brought you back to us
We both fell in love with you-
And with each other even more
You amazed us in every way;
Tiniest little babe in Mama's arms
Wrapped your finger around Daddy's
With you; our family grew bigger
You are forever our baby-
We love you for always
On the day you were born.
June 14th 2018
5lbs 11 oz
17 3/4" long
Benjamin Jason James Innes
They consist of poems written by me. The mood often varies and is mainly about love in general or to a specified point. They are all intense and emotion filled, and at most.. extremely sad but it is how I feel. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my poems.
About Me

- Krissy Renee Bosworth
- I don't have very many dreams or goals that most people have, some that are definitely unreachable, but worth striving for. Every now and then I write a story in my head or pen a poem down. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my writing.