Straight into a world dividing
Holding on; my grip slips
Pummeling and my body tips
People screaming, I'm numb
This isn't my time to come
Dark, silent, crimson
This can't be my extinction?
Little voices, louder
My head's the doubter
Whereas my heart continues to beat-
I'm not allowing such an easy defeat
Concrete, salty, soaked
Where am I?
My arms drenched, bloodied
Confusion- my mind muddied
My body aches, I'm screaming inside
All they could say was they "tried"
I'm a fighter!
My heart feels lighter
Don't ever give up on me.
*Side note: I get nightmares where I'm in a car accident. A lot of the time, I'm the one driving. My dreams usually never end this far, but to my loved ones, if this ever happens... I promise I'll always fight my hardest to come back. I love you. Especially Angie, you're the love of my life...
They consist of poems written by me. The mood often varies and is mainly about love in general or to a specified point. They are all intense and emotion filled, and at most.. extremely sad but it is how I feel. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my poems.
About Me

- Krissy Renee Bosworth
- I don't have very many dreams or goals that most people have, some that are definitely unreachable, but worth striving for. Every now and then I write a story in my head or pen a poem down. The only way I know how to express myself through words is through my writing.